7. Sınıflar ıçin Çalışma Yaprakları ve Testler..

7. Sınıflar ıçin Çalışma Yaprakları ve Testler..(Tests and Worksheets for 7th Grades - 2. Term)

Published by: Doga Yayinevi
File size: 7.57 MB
File type: PDF

Tests for 7th Grades - 2. Term (Turkish Students)
Test 1 - As ... As / Reflexive Pronouns 1
Test 2 - As ... As / Reflexive Pronouns 2
Test 3 - As ... As / Reflexive Pronouns 3
Test 4 - Past Form of "To Be" / Illnesses
Test 5 - Past Form of "To Be" / Have to, Has to 1
Test 6 - Past Form of "To Be" / Have to, Has to 2
Test 7 - Would like / Prefer / Reported Speech
Test 8 - Would Like / Want to / Prefer
Test 9 - Would Like / Prefer / Reported Speech
Test 10 - Used to / Look, Feel, Seem 1
Test 11 - Used to / Look, Feel, Seem 2
Test 12 - Present Perfect Tense
Test 13 - Present Perfect / Can / May 1
Test 14 - Present Perfect / Can / May 2
Test 15 - Future Tense
Test 16 - Future Tense / May / Can / Could 1
Test 17 - Future Tense / May / Can / Could 2
Test 18 - Passive Voice / Simple Present Tense 1
Test 19 - Passive Voice / Simple Present Tense 2
Test 20 - Passive Voice / Simple Present Tense 3
Test 21 - Revision Test 1
Test 22 - Revision Test 2
Test 23 - Revision Test 3

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